Dental Implant Posts Can Improve Your Oral Health

The dental implants are composed of a few, but necessary, parts. Dental implants have a dental implant post, an abutment, and a dental prosthetic or crown. The dental implant post in Houston, TX, is implanted into a patient’s jawbone by their trusted doctor. The dental implant post acts as a natural tooth root, stimulating the jawbone to make it healthy and strong. Dental implants are customized to a patient’s smile to look as natural-looking as possible.

Continue reading to learn more about how dental implant posts can improve a patient’s jawbone health.

How Are Dental Implant Posts In Houston, TX Placed In My Jawbone?

At the beginning of the dental implant procedure, dental sedation is used to numb the area so patients have a comfortable and anxiety-free treatment experience. After the dental implant posts are placed in into the patient’s jawbone, they go through a natural fusing process called osseointegration. With osseointegration, the patients dental implant posts fuse with their jawbone.

This means the dental implant posts are fixed and stabilized in the patients jawbone once they are healed into place. This is what makes dental implants a long-lasting solution to tooth loss. After the patient’s dental implants have properly healed, the dental prosthetic can be placed.

The dental prosthetic or dental crowns are designed to look and function like the patient’s natural teeth. With dental implants, patients can have their quality of life, dental function, and self-confidence restored!

How Dental Implant Posts Improve My Oral Health

Dental implant posts in Houston, TX can improve a patient’s oral health because they make the jawbone healthy and strong. With a strong and healthy jawbone, patients will be able to eat the foods they want, talk in comfort, and smile with ease and confidence. Plus, dental implant posts prevent a patient’s jawbone from reabsorbing.

With dental implant posts, patients can essentially get back to living a normal life. Without teeth, it can be very hard for people to do normal everyday activities. Single, multiple, or full arch dental implants give patients the opportunity to restore their imperfect and unfunctional smile for years to come.

You Should Come To Us To Get Your Dental Implant Posts Placed!

Dental implant posts can give you a strong foundation for a long lasting and healthy smile. If you are ready to get back to living a normal life, then you should come to us for this life-improving treatment. Our skilled doctor can expertly place your dental implant posts that can give you a new and improved smile for years to come.

Ready to get started on your journey to new teeth? Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. J. Rob Friedberg, at our office by Houston, TX to schedule your consultation today!

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